James Knickman, the unassuming and friendly health-policy analyst and CEO of the New York State Health Foundation, talked to our class of third-year primary care residents on Tuesday as part of our health policy course. Here is his list of the Top Ten Health Policy Crises.*
Solutions received by Monday at 7pm will get a free piece of apple-and-honey.
1.The lack of affordable and accessible health care for all Americans.
2. The need to develop methods to decide when to pay for emerging modalities and pharmaceuticals.
3. The need to move resources into prevention and public health.
4. The need to move resources into primary care.
5. How do we care for an aging population?
6. How do we expand physicians' use of evidence-based treatment approaches?
7. Great disparities across ethnic and income groups.
8. Malpractice!
9. Dental care.
10. The lack of health-care professionals.
*Okay, he didn't say "crises," he said "topics." But "crises" is more fun.
I know you have no time. But if you find time I would be great if you could pick up "Money Driven Medicine" by Maggie Mahar.
Don't bother with the reviews they have seemed to miss the entire point.
Anyway book takes a lot of resent research and history to show why
where our system fails the patients.
I would love to have a doctors POV
on this fact filled book.