Super Jewish Historical Prediction Game, Extra-Exciting Medical Education Version
Or: Even on Saturday
Since this thread at Pensées de Gil is still inexplicably active, let me make a prediction.
If "shomer shabbos residencies" catch on within the Charedi community (the Modern Orthodox and the Conservatives really don't buy into this notion), within a short time (twenty-five years?) there won't be any primary care providers coming out of the community itself. When that happens, either the quality of primary care for Charedim will decline, or a sensible posek will discover a remarkable heter: since most internal medicine programs these days involve very sick patients (and lots of them!) for whom pikuach nefesh is always on the agenda during their hospital stay; and since not working on Shabbos would mean disorder for the medical care of that community, and since Jewish doctors are a desideratum for a Jewish community [just as every community should have at least some doctors taking care of it which share its assumptions] -- well, then somebody is going to have to try and save some people in the hospital, even on Saturday.
Are you aware that two of the leading poskim of modern orthodoxy, Rabbi Hershel Shachter and Rabbi Moshe Tendler rule that one must get a shomer shabbos residency?